Mustang in my Workshop

Spitfire in my Workshop
Occasionally a superlative book comes along and this is one... inspiring for modellers and fascinating for anyone interested in the Spitfire. Chris Deith, Engineering in Miniature
I have always admired the efforts of true master model makers. Having the book is almost as good as owning the model. Philip Whiteman, Pilot Magazine
Spitfire Mk IX Workshop Diary

Workshop diary
The sliding canopy frame
Monday, 20th April, 2020

The frame for my Spitfire’s sliding canopy is made of metal (litho-plate and 0.5 mm aluminium sheet) glued and screwed directly to the underlying clear...
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Techniques aired and shared

Creating instrument faces
Sunday, 11th December, 2011
For those fortunate enough to have a computer and sophisticated drawing software, artwork for aircraft instrument faces can be done with mathematical precision. When I...
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